Another Attack Part 4 - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Hey

“What is wrong with you man?” my subconscious asked me and I heaved aloud, raking my hair with my fingers as I turned around aimlessly. I had not knocked yet. I could go back home and tell Summer a thousand reasons why she couldn’t be with Barth. I could make her see him for who he truly was… but who was he?

“I’ll think of something, but right now, I have to stop Sumer from falling in love with Barth.” I encouraged myself as I took a deep breath. I was about to turn when I saw the door knob turning. I froze, while I waited since there was nothing I could do, especially when everything happened too fast. And then, boom! There she was, elegantly dressed as always, with a small smile on her face. Her hair fell on her shoulders and the purple floral, off shoulder knee length flair gown, sat perfectly on her. She was not wearing any makeup, yet her face shone brightly.

I was immersed in her beauty and almost couldn’t catch my breath.

“I saw you pull over,” she said, biting her lower lip, leaning against the door frame. I didn’t know my mouth was half open until she spoke. I swallowed hard immediately, closing my mouth and she smiled shyly. When I only kept staring, she was forced to speak up again.

“Are you okay? You look lost” she asked, a little worried.

“I’m so sorry… you took my breath away.” I blurted before I could stop myself and she beamed. I blinked a few times to gather myself.

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