A MAN OF STEEZE (continuation) - 1 month ago

After food, I processed what happened in class. I wont  lie, my steeze was touched a bit. That incident could have crippled my self esteem but I'm August. The devil is a liar.  

I discovered my Lecturer was August born too. I can't beef a fellow 'Augustinian' na. Lions can't fight Lions. 

As a good boy that I am, I  extended an olive branch, wrote an apology letter sent to appease the gods.  

Crisis averted. 

We became best of friends (Not) but we're cool.

First rule of Growth: You don't fight/compete with  who you're supposed to be learning from. 

My Personal rule: As long as you're ahead of me, I always accord you respect. 

The everlasting rule: never to be caught unfresh, as in never never! 

The incident was a case of a miscommunication.💯. I was humbled by the experience but my steeze  is as stubborn as that August rain. Cause a golden fish has no hiding  place in the water. 
I am an August Golden fish (Damn it)🤭

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