My Handkerchief!!! - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Ai gallery

I boarded a bus this morning, on my way to school. Beside me sat a woman whom i presume would be a business woman,her appearance:a pointer to the probable fact that she was on her way back from the market.

Halfway into the Journey, she started  yelling,ordering the driver to stop the bus.
Everyone wanted to know the reason why an "Eighteen seater" bus filled with passengers, already in motion should stop abruptly. The woman ignored all the questionings and kept insisting that the driver  stopped the bus. He eventually stopped the bus, and the woman hurriedly got off the bus. 
Out of curiosity, we all turned to see what she must have thrown off the window, much to our amazement, she returned with a handkerchief... yes! I know you're shocked as well.
The gist just started shaa,read on....
Some passengers started hurling insults at her, while others were asking why she couldn't just let go of the ordinary white piece(handkerchief)  instead of choosing to halt our journey. 
It can only get worse;
Others were complaining that since the woman boarded the bus, it had been from one issue to another, even the conductor could attest to that.
    The woman took it personal,and in her defense, she started narrating an ill fated story;  how that the last time she forgot her food flask in a bus, two weeks later her brother died and she swore never again  to forget anything in a bus. Trust Nigerians to express a rainbow of emotions in such scenario;some felt pity for her, while others were insisting that her story couldn't justify her action.

A babel of voices enveloped the bus. The Journey took a u-turn as people kept shouting all in a bid to be heard,even the driver and conductor were not left out.
They approached my bus stop sooner than I expected, and that was how I missed out on the drama that ensued after I alighted the bus. I could only imagine afterwards.
#Life of a commercial bus user

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