The Cartographer Of Love - 3 months ago

Image Credit: Picture


I take up my pen, and with careful lines,
Draw the borders of my heart, the boundaries that define.
A map of my soul, where love can roam free,
Yet know its limits, and respect my privacy.

With each stroke, I claim my space,
A territory of self, where I can embrace,
My thoughts, my feelings, my desires, my dreams,
And keep them safe from the whispers of others' schemes.

I chart the waters of my emotions, deep and wide,
And mark the shores where love can anchor, and reside.
I label the landscapes of my needs, and wants, and fears,
And show you where to navigate, through all my laughter and tears.

In setting these boundaries, I create a sanctuary,
A haven where love can grow, wild and carefree.
A place where we can meet, and connect, and thrive,
Yet still maintain the integrity of our individual lives.

With this map, I invite you to explore,
The contours of my heart, the boundaries I adore.
Let us navigate this terrain, together, yet apart,
And find the beauty in the borders that set us free to love.

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