ARE GOODBYES GOOD? - 3 months ago

Image Credit: #goodbyesaregood


I remember when I saw this really cute baby in my church🥹 I held her in an embrace but before long she grabbed my hair and that was it. The same baby who I wanted to hold tightly became the same baby who I wanted to let go of so desperately... But no I lost, so about two people had to help in saving my hair from the baby's grip. That's called the palmar grasp reflex, it's an unconscious grip that makes infants hold things so tightly.

Now I think I also have this plamar reflex thing sha🌚 but of course, I don't grab people's hair when they hug me😂 mine is different, I don't let go of people if they come into my life. Because I didn't believe in goodbyes. I didn't like people leaving me but if they must leave ehh it always gives off this. “Good riddance with bad rubbish and sprinkles of door slamming and anger vibes”🫠

Until I read the book Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lystra Terkeurst. I found that Goodbyes originated in the 1500s and its original phrase is “God be with Ye” contracted into Godbwye which eventually became goodbye.

This is it, Goodbyes should exist when we are sending those who actually should leave and most importantly when we do it the right way…the God way…we pray them off that God be with them.

So Yeah, Goodbyes are good, I guess that's why it's not called Badbyes🤭

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