The Forgotten Son II - 4 months ago

The Forgotten Son, ES 2


After a brief investigation, it was discovered that the intersection was connected to a man named Mr Ragnol who lived in the outer-skirt of Bonye.

Mr Ragnol, a business tycoon who does a lot of illegal trading. The man whom Whitney works for.

Immediately Whitney heard the news  of his boss' arrest, and that soldiers were everywhere searching for them. He and his friends fled together with their mothers into the forest.  

Mrs Soya (Whitney's mother) who has before now warned her son of the problem they will be in because of his job became mad at him for getting them into such a mess. She threatened to go and report her son to the authorities but was appealed by those who were with them.

However she made it clear that she won't become a fugitive, she will soon go back home, as for her son, he should take responsibility for his actions.

Whitney who has been pleading with his mother with remorse bluntly asked his mother who his father was and what he looks like. “How come I never heard or know a thing about my father?.

Who is him and why haven't you talked about him?, he quizzes with curiosity.

Soya, who has been so enraged by their unfortunate situation, becomes tender and sober. She tries to conceal her emotions and give her son a blunt answer…..why such questions in a time like this?. This is not the right time to talk about that.

Whitney, who had no choice, understood the problem they were in and buried his curiosity in his heart.

After Mr Ragnol’s Interrogation, the stolen goods were recovered and the king ordered the search to be halted.

After some days in the woods, they head back home. Soya convince her son to promise her he would never get involved in illegal activity again, which the son vows

never to do it again. However Whitney still reminds her mother of how she promised to tell him about his father.

After some minutes of silence, Your father is alive. She breaks the silence.

Whaaaaat?..... Whitney could not believe it. How come I have not seen him?. Why haven't you told me earlier?.  And what kind of man is he?. And why did he abandon us?. I don't believe you, He said in disappointment.


Your father is not a wicked man……, then what is he?, Whitney cuts in. I will tell you who he is and why we are in this condition, but I need you to do something first. She said,

To be continued……..


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