The Burden Of Family - 3wks ago

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Family is everything, or so they say. I believe it wholeheartedly, but I’ve learned that not everyone feels the same. My friend, for instance, has shown me a different side to family. Growing up, I always wondered why she seemed so burdened. Gradually, she started opening up to me, and I was amazed by what she had endured.

Her family only calls when they need something, but when she needs them, they vanish. She saves her hard-earned money and sends it to them, yet they’re never grateful. Instead, they complain it’s too little and feel entitled to more. Every month, the calls come, expecting her to give—even when she’s struggling herself. I’ve told her, "I couldn’t do that. I owe nothing to anyone. If I give, it’s because I want to, not because it’s their right." But for her, it's different.

People can be heartless, taking and never giving back. I’ve imagined myself in her shoes many times, and I know I couldn’t endure what she does. If selflessness had a face, it would be hers. I’ve tried advising her, but it often makes me seem like the bad guy, though I only want the best for her.

I’ll keep supporting her, though, because she deserves the best. I hope she finds more people who will stand by her and that her family learns to value and respect her as she truly deserves.

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