UNTITLED - 3 days ago

Image Credit: Gallery

I certainly don't know how to title this, if you can, please kindly help out.

Pain is one of the things that can affect one mentally. The worst kind of the pain is one inflicted on you by yourself.

Such pains often cause heartaches which can result in heart problems, (I know you won't agree with me, but it's fine but have this in mind). One of the core causes of this kind of pain is not speaking out when you've been wronged.

Some times ago, the Holy Spirit taught me a great lesson when I was about falling into this kind of pains.

He said to me “There's no other you, always remember that.” The Holy Spirit made me realized this when I started judging  and criticizing people for not being like me.

Here's what I'm driving at.

You're you. If you're being stepped on, say it out. Most times the person doesn't even know his /her fault. And if you're at fault quickly apologize. Make peace with your past (person) so it won't have the opportunity to point an accusing finger on you.

Nobody is you and you're not everybody.

Ponder on this.





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