Image Credit: Lucius Ufeli

Several laws governing this realm and humanity itself; those who have found the principles binding these laws are the truly free ones.

I guess they sold a false freedom to us; some bought it without questions because it was quite cheap - the kind of things we liked to hear.

True freedom is not in having the liberty to do as one pleases anytime one feels like, but having the ability to choose what master one submits to.

Whether you like it or not, you, most certainly, must submit to a master one way or another.

You think you are free and so you can do whatever you like. But that's just you being a slave to your pleasures- a very wicked cunning deceptive master that cages you without your consent.

Nothing beats the character of a principled man. For he has decided to yield to discipline. That discipline may look like a cage but it is freedom, a very conscious one.

"Only the disciplined ones are free in life"
You're a slave to the very same things you have no control over. Therefore, just as a man is a slave to his uncontrollable pleasures, so is a disciplined man a slave to his rigid principles.

Now I'm tempted to ask, is there anything like absolute freedom, or the term is just relative?
Because looking at it in its holistic sense, no one is truly ever free. You can only be FREE FROM something by becoming a slave/servant to another.

In the end, what we call freedom is just swapping of masters, and I chose a very good master - JESUS ☺️.
Hope you get the message 🙏🏾

#ThoughtsFromTheOtherSide #Luxius #freedom

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