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What broke us?

"Sometimes I wonder how we take meet sef." She will always say.

Often times, I'll just smile and ignore her. But today own eh, although she was very pissed, I didn't expect her to call in "my home" into it.

Like she literally said that I had a wrong home bringing. Though I know she was joking, but she went to far.

Do you know what caused this fight?

Don't guess, you'll be wrong. It's about GREETINGS.

Yes, you heard me right.

Are you wondering how greetings will cause a fight between two inseparable friends? I'll tell you how.

Before then, I think you should know a little about us.

I was brought up in the South South, if you're like me, you will know that a particular state there can greet for Africa.

You can't blame us, we greet a lot to show respect and honor. And Glory my best friend in the other hand was raised in the North. Don't get me wrong, I didn't say the North don't respect or honor people...but they hardly greet.

For the past years we've been friends, she noticed that I greet both big and small, old and young, even the ones I'm older than. And to worsen the whole thing, I often add "Sir/Ma."

Often times she has threatened to cut ties with me because of greetings. Who does that?

I ignore her most of the time as greetings was like the air I breathe, I can't stop.

So yesterday, we had a fight about it again, and now I'm left with going our separate ways or sticking around but base on her rules about greetings.

What do you suggest I do?

I can't stop greeting, that's like one of my values.




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