Silly Sisters - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Silly sister

In the Abdullahi household, located in the ancient city of Kano, a heated argument erupted between sisters Tina and Sarah.

Tina, 17, and Sarah, 14, were fighting over who would get to wear their mother's beautiful abaya to the upcoming Eid-al-Fitr celebration.

Their mother, Hajiya Aisha, intervened, "Tina, ya uwa, you're the elder, you should wear it."

Sarah protested, "But Mummy, it's not fair! I want to look beautiful too, like a true Fulani princess!"

Their father, Alhaji Abdullahi, walked into the room, "Wai ye ke nan? Kila kuwa da ce?" (What's going on? Is there a problem?)

Sarah ran to him, "Daddy, Mummy wants Tina to wear the abaya, but I want to wear it too!"

Alhaji Abdullahi chuckled, "Ah, my Sarah, you know your mother always favors Tina."

Hajiya Aisha shot him a stern look, "Abdullahi, don't start."

Tina retorted, "Sarah's too young to wear such fancy clothing."

Sarah snapped back, "You're just jealous because Aunty Jamila said I resemble our grandmother, Hajiya Khadija!"

Alhaji Abdullahi burst out laughing, "Oh, Tina, you've been 'dished'!"

Hajiya Aisha glared at him, "Abdullahi, ku dara" (Abdullahi, stop it).

The argument continued until they all ended up in the living room, laughing.

Tina and Sarah collapsed on the couch, holding their bellies. "This is ridiculous," Tina said, giggling.

Sarah grinned, "I know, right?"

Hajiya Aisha and Alhaji Abdullahi exchanged a knowing look, smiling.

Alhaji Abdullahi said, "You know what? I think we've established one thing – both of our daughters are champions of sass."

Hajiya Aisha chuckled, "I think it's time for a group hug... and a rotation schedule for the abaya."

The Abdullahi family laughed and hugged, their silly squabble forgottenTina and Sarah, still fuming from Sani's confession, decided to teach him a lesson.
As Sani walked out of their compound, Tina whispered to Sarah, "Let's show him what Northern sisters are made of!"
Sarah grinned mischievously. "Kano style!"
The sisters stormed after Sani, catching up to him at the compound gate.

Tina shouted, "You think you can play us like that?"
Sarah added, "And disrespect our family?"

Sani, realizing his mistake, tried to apologize, but the sisters wouldn't have it.
With a fierce cry of "Kwado!" (Enough!), Tina and Sarah pounced, landing a flurry of slaps and punches on Sani's startled face.
Their parents, Hajiya Aisha and Alhaji Abdullahi, rushed to intervene, laughing.

"Ku dara, ku dara!" (Stop, stop!), Hajiya Aisha exclaimed.

Alhaji Abdullahi chuckled, "Let them teach him a lesson."
The sisters continued to scold Sani, their blows punctuated by Hausa insults:
Tun taka kishi!" (We'll teach you a lesson!)
Kai, dan kwari!" (Shame on you, deceitful man!)

Sani stumbled backward, shielding his face.
Finally, Hajiya Aisha and Alhaji Abdullahi intervened, pulling their daughters away.
Tina and Sarah stood panting, triumphant.

Sani, rubbing his sore face, muttered, "I won't bother you again."
As he fled, Tina and Sarah shared a victorious high-five
Their parents smiled, proud of their daughters' unity.

Hajiya Aisha said, "You've taught him a lesson. Now, let's focus on your education."
Alhaji Abdullahi added, "And remember, no man is worth fighting over."
Tina and Sarah grinned, knowing they'd learned a valuable lesson.

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