Re Awakening - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Ai gallery

I Sat down on a chair outside the house relaxing after a short nap,
When a lizard ran to where I was seated. Initially, I was startled and moved my leg towards its direction in a bid to chase it away, it moved a bit and still returned, when it returned, I decided to sit quietly and observe it.
    The Lizard was feeding on ants that were going about their daily activity. They were on a straight line heading towards the other end of where I was seated.
They had no idea that the Lizard was in the middle of their journey. As they were going, the Lizard just stood there preying on them one after the other, the more they approached, the more he ate. I Just sat there watching, then a thought ran across my mind, "These ants may be a Generation sent out on a mission to accomplish a specific task.
The Lizard on the other hand,  poses as a giant preventing them from accomplishing that task, I have the ability to save the ants but I'm not functioning my abilities to fulfil a purpose rather I'm just there watching, if I continue to sit quiet and do nothing, a whole Generation will be wiped out and the task will remain unaccomplished".
Bearing that thought in mind, I sprang up from my seat immediately and chased the Lizard that was how the rest of the Ants were saved.
  Thinking about it, may sound like a joke to you but that is the reality of our lives. We all have the capacity to positively impact the lives of others or even our generations and be the *change* we want to see in the world but oblivious of what we possess or our negligence in taking the action, will cause Generations to suffer.

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