The Best Is God's Time - 2wks ago

Image Credit: Nigerian naira

Sometimes when we say "God's time is the best" what we unconsciously have registered at the back of our minds is that our request would take long before God grants them. But that is not always true.

God is in the business of answering His children who call on Him fast too. He can show up any minute from the time you make your request known to Him.

God is never slow nor too fast, He's always right on time. The only time "slow" is used as an attribute for God is towards anger. Yes, God is slow to anger and besides that I don't think He's ever slow towards anything again.

So the next time you pray and wait on God, have it at the back of your mind that God's time can be just few seconds after you've made your request known to Him.
And it even gets better over time such that God moves "so fast" that you don't need to kneel down to pray seff and the thoughts and wishes in your heart get answers super fast. Yes it happens. 
Isn't it amazing ? 😊

God's time is the best and my God is good 😊


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