I danced to the merry of the music. Afterward, she dined with me in the comfort of my bed. This nightstand birthed seeds ___Arno and Lerato. I was a proud father who had acquired an empire in a foreign land. My son was ever proud to have a maestro like me, as he awaited to enjoy his dynasty.

Behold, a whip rested at my back, it dissolved all that I had built for years into thin air. 
As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself supine on the floor, surrounded by the detritus of my folly. It appeared that I had ingested an excessive quantity of sand, no doubt in a misguided attempt to satiate my fantasies. My limbs splayed out in a dramatic tableau as if my very body was trying to convey the turmoil that beset my mind. Unknown to me, I had ingested a copious amount of a potent substance, ostensibly prescribed for a restful slumber. Alas, I never knew that I had succumbed to its insidious influence. Instead of drifting off into a peaceful repose, I had unwittingly invited a malevolent force into my being, one that would wreak havoc on my very existence.

Here I am, infringed of my right as I obliged to the immobility of my state with my hands bound with metallic chains. Each tear I shed became a merriment to the company of dementia around me in the psychiatric home.

What will people say about me? I needed a mild repose and had turned myself into an object of wit. 
Why did I fail to seek the doctor's prescription but adhere to the counsel of my friend for a better result?

What makes me a graduate? In my quest for a good sleep, my reputation has gone as an exchange.

PS: Drug abuse is deadly. If you are struggling with substance abuse, please, seek medical help.

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