DOOMED - 3 months ago

Page 2, continuation…


They were Catholics and, in the Catholic Church, the offering box is always located at the front of the alter. This particular man in his thirties was about to drop his offering gift in the offering box, and bending slightly, the whole money stacked in his breast pocket fell into the offering box. Of course, he couldn't go like that and at the same time he couldn't take back the money . He stood,and at a dilemma, not knowing what to do,left to avoid the crowds' questioning eyes.The family left immediately the church dismissed to see obianuju off as she had already gathered her things.

"Obianuju our child, please remember the daughter of whom you are. don't get carried away by the beautiful things you see in school. Continue to pray and read your Bible always. You know you are our only hope of elevating this family from poverty. May our "Chi" guide you as you go , oh" papa Obianuju admonished.

"Nne  Obianuju, do u have something to add to what I have just told our daughter? " asked papa obianuju.

“You have said it all my husband. I don't have much to  say, but please remember where you are coming from oh, nne”"  Mama continued to talk even when she said she didn't have much to say, Nigerian mothers ehn" Obianuju reasoned.

 “Here comes the fresh air of University . Enugu is really a beautiful place, it's so nice to leave my village” Obianuju said, beaming with smiles.

Obianuju located her hostel immediately she arrived, settled herself comfortably as she was the first to arrive. Within the next two weeks,three other girls had joined her, making them four in the room.

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