A friend of mine once told me that we need imperfection. I had been telling him about perfection and how it is desired or at least desirable for many people, and his very profound response laced my face with a smile and instantaneously gave me a new found reason why not just I but why we all do the things we do.He said that if we were perfect, then there’d be no need for is to get better at the things we do, to self improve. There’d be no need for anything because everything would be “perfect” and done. But would everything really be perfect?It made me realise that we need imperfection to live, literally. I know that there’s no dark without light, and there’s no black without white. There can’t be summer without winter and we sure can’t have day without night. What makes joy, joy, if sorrow isn’t sorrow? What makes us know peace if we didn’t know war or chaos? And most importantly, how can there be life, without death? Death is what makes life, life, like the plant that first dies before it sprouts. In other words, it dies before it has the chance to live. Reminds me of how one died so we could live. Jesus dies so I could live, so we you could live. Thus, from one man’s death, we all gained life.(Continued in next post).