AN OPEN SECRET - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Pinterest

If I ever call you and say “ I miss you” please give me a thousand reasons why I shouldn't because believe me, I don't do well when I miss people 🥲😂. In secondary this was not my problem, anger was🌚 so one day someone in my fellowship shared this scripture with me. Ephesians 4:26 “ Be angry and sin not…” it means that it's ok to get angry or feel certain emotions because sometimes we can't help but feel that way, but sinning comes when we act on it.

So right now I am forced to interpret it this way and tell myself  “Miss people but don't get wrecked”. I am permitted to miss people but I should be fine and not feel terrible.

I remember in 100 level when I missed my mom because I was in school, I was sad and I would cry every morning before going to class🙈😂

Right now, I miss certain people, No we didn't get into fights but distance and circumstances are such that we can't be talking for now. And sometimes I feel like going wrecked and frustrated. I feel like just making my day unproductive by overthinking, crying more than usual and feeling sad nostalgia.

But when I remember that scripture I know that I am permitted to only feel the emotion but I won't act on it and do something wrong. Yours might be a hurt, a pain or sadness you are permitted to feel the emotion but don't act on it and do something wrong. So yeah, I know it can be hard but I will be fine when I miss people, I will feel the emotion but I won't get wrecked.

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