In A Trance: Drifted Away By Thoughts [Part Four] - 2 months ago

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I could have called or chatted him up, but we had an agreement to only call or text each other after my last class for the day or during weekends to avoid being distracted from my academics. This is one of the many things I love about him—his caring nature.

The bus was in motion. I was happy that I would go home and rest. I felt exhausted. I leaned backwards so I could rest a bit while the driver was driving. I turned my head to the window and watched as drops of water were falling from the sky.

I noticed the window was opened a bit as I felt droplets of water on me. The guy who tapped me had warned me earlier to be mindful of where I chose to sit as raindrops boarded the bus free of charge. I forgot about his warnings. It took the splashing of rain to wet my body for me to remember the warning.

I could not adjust because we were three people seated in a row. Among the three of us seated, I was the lekpa. I felt like a squished agege bread that lost its air. My butts had to be contented with where they sat hoping to escape as soon as the bus reaches its destination.

My eyes were fixated on the window where the driver sat. It was closed, but the raindrops dancing on the glass were so soothing to watch. I don’t know what took control of my body. I curiously turned to the window by my side, raised my right hand and reached for the window. Since it was opened, I wanted to feel the raindrops.

I stretched my right hand, placing my fingers outside the glass. I did not know why I did that but my body refused to withdraw my fingers. As I stared at the window, a line from Artquake’s song "Alanta” played in my head."…open your arms like say you want to fly away…".



To be continued…

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