Becoming Rivals Part 2 - 1wk ago

Image Credit: Theo

“And you let her go ahead with it? How can you be so insensitive and careless?” I yelled kicking the nearby stool. I heard Angelina fidget at my action but then that was all I could do… kick things. I couldn’t defend myself, and because of me my bodyguard was fighting for her life a month after we met.

“What if Barth found out she was spying and attacked her on purpose?” I asked holding him by the collar. I was taller than him. As a matter of fact, I was the tallest man in the mansion and my built was just perfect but of course, I was sure I could never stand up to Barth in a fight, talk more of Conner, whose life had been in the face of danger.

“He didn’t, I was there when it happened. First the attempt was made on her, then she took two more bullets on his behalf.” Conner explained.

“What?” I turned to her on the bed, she was still lying quiet. What was she thinking? He should have been the one taking bullets for her not the other way around. Why was she risking her life for him? Did she truly like him that much, or is that also part of her scheme?

“I know this may sound hard but for whatever reason she did what she did, it is for our favor.” Conner tried to explain but I shot him a hot glare.

“Summer is in danger and you say it is for our favor?” I wondered aloud.

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