How To Earn Offline And Online. - 2wks ago

This is not a seven golden secret post on how to earn 1 million in 1 month. It is for those who are intentional about getting the right kind of knowledge that would make them increase their earning capacity and build a sustainable brand.

I attended a conference themed ‘EARN’, and it was organized by young adults who where making waves for themselves in the online space and outside the online space with their business.

I would briefly highlight some guidelines and key take aways I got from the meeting, which I am sure that when applied, you also would be able to earn online and offline.

For starters and professionals: Put yourself out. “If you don't push yourself no one will push you.” Sell yourself.

No business is nonsense: this is something you should always have at the back of your mind. Every big idea started with a small idea that looked stupid at first. You just need a brain, use it. Do not downgrade your ideas. 

Develop your niche: do a self evaluation. Know what you are good at and build yourself there. Do not start with everything all at once. Start with one and hit it with all you have got

Know your target audience and study them: your business is not for everybody, your services is not for everybody. Narrow down your target audience. Who are the people that should consume your goods or services the post, where are they, how do they behave etc. Stay at the top of your audience’s mind.


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