Image Credit: Behance

This story is a reminder of what it feels like to be a child again. For many of us, we grew up to love reading and writing because we read stories like this. Enjoy.

Chapter 2

That night David decided to write an interesting book, but he was too lazy, then he started playing games instead. When he was supposed to go to the main market to buy new books and stock his shop, he went out to see his friends and he kept showcasing the old books that customers did not like and this drove them away from his shop. Some days later David finally wrote a book and put it on sale. A woman and her son saw the book and inquired from David if the book was interesting and good for her son to read and David assured her to buy it that it was very good and the woman bought it. 

The next day the woman brought back with the book angrily and started to shout at David, she said to him, “Mr David you are a dishonest man, why didn’t you tell me that this book was not for children. It encourages violence, laziness disobedience and other negative attitudes. Why didn’t you give me a children book when my son picked this one? Why did you lie to me that it was interesting? With this attitude, you will never get customers and I will never come here again. If I had known, I would have bought a book from Mr James’ shop”. Instead of David to apologize to her, he started yelling at her to get out of his shop and never return.

Ever since then David stopped having customers entirely and instead of him to realise that it was because of his lazy and dishonest attitude, he began to hate James and blame him for his problems. He said, “Mr James did not really tell me the truth on how he has many customers. I know that he is using a magic pen. I always see him with a special pen and he never allows anybody to touch it, not even his customers. I will make sure I steal that pen and thankfully he is travelling very soon, I will not only steal his pen, I will also steal all his books”. David smiled to himself after saying this.

Incase you missed Chapter 1


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