Your Opinion; God's Message - 1 month ago

Image Credit: Yantrailer, Tina junction.. Jos

Sometimes you air your opinion and it sounds to people as the voice of God - a message at the right time for the right people. There's no telling how, why, and when God uses the littlest things to communicate to people; You can't box or limit Him to one particular line of operation, He's God.

But this should not be abused though, such that because we have said a few things that came in handy at the right time to others some times in the past then we begin to add "God told me" everytime we want to say something.

Before you say "Thus saith the LORD" make sure it is really God and not your opinion, thought, or emotions playing tricks on you.
If it's just a feeling, say it as it is... but don't cover it up with "God told me".
God help us 🙏
#ThoughtsFromTheOtherSide #christianity

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