🥱🥱🥱My new gig is really stretching me😴😴😴

I discovered that anytime I'm done with a story, that period that I set aside to develop myself, God will send someone to help me develop myself and get better, before entering my next story.

When I finished with "Amanda The Beautiful Village Girl," God sent an angel in form of a person, he helped me in editing and developing my stories to be better, that was when I started "My Troublesome Caretaker," and “My Evil Landlord.”

Now, the 2 above stories birthed me this new gig, and God sent another angel, he did not just brought the deal, but he's also coaching me, with the help of his female friend.

Now, this new gig is an urban story with American settings, and at such, the system is different, I have to change the entire style of writing, this time around, it's from a third person's pov, I have to inculcate facial expressions and body language in my writing (and that's the main Koko), a whole lot.

And sometimes house chores can be overwhelming, like...they'd take almost the whole day. It's not easy, but by the help of the holyspirit, my greatest coach, I'll get there.

P.S: My brand is up and active for your storytelling and ghostwriting services. My services are premium and we're available 24/7, so if you have stories ideas in your head, either fictional or real life and you don't know how to bring them out to resonate with your target audience, I'm here for you. Implore my services, and I assure you, you won't regret it.

P.S: How do you handle difficult tasks?

Happy Thursday famz ❤️🌹







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