Aura: Addressed The Way You Appear - 3wks ago

Image Credit: Lucius Ufeli

Last week I was inside a bus going home from somewhere. When the bus conductor started collecting his money from everyone, he spoke almost rudely to everyone in the bus, young and old alike (I think that's common with most bus conductors by the way). When it got to my turn he spoke politely and called me "Senior man". I wasn't expecting that from him. I expected him to shout at me like he did to the rest people in the bus. I had thought in my mind that he'd even yell more at me because I wasn't holding change with me, but he didn't. He even went extra miles to look for my change without saying anything harsh.

When I alighted from the bus, I asked myself why the guy treated me differently. I would've said it's because of the way I dressed but that's not true. I wore a faded jean trouser and a normal polo shirt, plus my footwear is nothing to write home about. My beards were overgrown, in fact my moustache was almost rolling into my mouth. I was looking so unkempt that day so it couldn't have been because of the way I appeared. In fact, there were people who dressed corporate inside the bus that the conductor didn't send at all. "So what could be the reason?" I thought to myself.

Then a different meaning of "You're addressed the way you dress" came to my mind. I'm not talking about physical raiment or bodily clothings. No it's not the expensive jewelries or executive perfumes and cologne; I'm not talking about your exquisite dress sense; I'm talking about AURA.

You're addressed based on the aura you dispense. I believe the story I just told isn't peculiar to just me alone, several other people must have experienced something similar at one certain point in time or the other.

Ever wondered why in a group of people standing or walking you're the only one somebody walked up to to ask for direction, help or tell what the time is? It's your aura. Sometimes you're in the bank, the last person in line, and somehow somebody just decides to assist you get what you want easily, leaving others to find their way out... etc

Sometimes you see some people and you just can't resist doing them a favor or showing them respect, honour, or giving them help. It's the kind of aura they wear or dispense. It's the same thing when people posses or ooze out negative aura; they attract negative things and all sorts of bad omen, no matter how well dressed, highly educated, or qualified they are.

Some people call it Grace, some call it luck. I think it's almost the same thing as what the Igbo people call personal "Chi"
Whatever you call it, just pray that God clothes you with His presence and place a good aura on you so you attract favour everywhere you go. Pray that God removes everything in you that oozes out bad or negative aura.

#Udoh✌🏽#ThoughtsFromTheOtherSide #Luxius

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