LA CRAM LA POUR - 2 months ago


Studying is fun, but there's nothing more frustrating and unmotivating for a student than studying without understanding....
So there I was a whole me trying to digest this handout, I did my research, watched YouTube videos, downloaded  textbooks for dummies, and used AI(Artificial Intelligence).All these I did just so my brain could have something to hold on to for the d-day.
It was a lot of pressure especially when the d-day was the next day. So I decided to solve this problem with CRAMING. I crammed that handout till day break and my brain was fully loaded. I was so confident with my preparations.

Fast forward to when I got my questions paper and read through it...I was beaming with smile because i knew most of the answers. I began to recall the information I crammed step by step  and wrote them on my answer sheet. I reached a step and I realized that my brain forgot ahh , I did all I can to remember but nothing came  and that's when the sweat came... I sweat all through the remaining time till the invigilator said "5 minutes remaining" then my memory returned... Long story short time didn't permit me to write all that was in my head...

that's how my la cram la po-ur story went...

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