How Time Flies - 3wks ago

Image Credit: Lucius Ufeli

There used to be a time when I would be the youngest person in a room filled with people, especially in meetings. I enjoyed just being a spectator at such meetings and watching my elders speak; I learned a lot as I kept quiet and observed every single thing happening in the room.

Sometimes top level secrets and confidential matters are discussed and I'd be wowed that these well respected people would trust me with such important information.

Fast forward to this present day and age, it's amazing and somewhat like magic how things moved so fast and I'm the oldest or one of the oldest persons in meetings these days. When I was little, I would just sit and watch my elders rack their brains, analyse issues and draw favourable conclusions. I always looked up to them. Plus whether I make sense or not with whatever I say then, it's excusable. My childishness was an easy way out to blame for my foolishness.

That time it didn't matter if I said anything in the meeting or not, I was a little child anyways. But not so now. In most meetings I find myself these days, I see people looking up to me and my opinion is a must. That's how I realized I've actually grown up and it would be quite absurd to say nothing; more absurd to say something foolish this time.

This is one scary thing about adulthood and leadership. Most times I just want to remain that child that's the youngest in the room, taking notes and observing everything, not saying anything and not worrying at all because one way or the other, my elders would find a way out, they always do.

Now the ball is in my court and the onus is on me to make wise decisions now. That is one of the burdens of adulthood. The time and age for foolishness ends with childhood. No wonder they say "A fool at forty is a fool forever"

Well I'm not forty yet, but I hope you get the message.
#ThoughtsFromTheOtherSide #Lonewolf

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