Image Credit: Gallery

I had a delivery to make one Saturday morning.
The location was actually at an event center, a place I was nonchalant to go.

Pardon me, but I don't like crowd & one is a crowd.

On getting there, I called my customer a million time & she didn't respond.

The sun was scorching that day & there was no shade to shield me from the violent sun.

What will I do now?
I asked myself almost crying.

Hmmm, what we go through in the name of hustling.

20 minutes pass and it seemed like forever.

I couldn't leave without delivering, it's my job ethic not to disappoint my customers except under conditions out of my control.

45 minutes pass, my phone rang.

It was an unknown number.

"Hello, this is Ken...How may I be of help to you?" I said smiling, trying to hide my frustrating

"Ken, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. Are you still at the gate?"

"Yes Ms." I replied.

Okay, please give me a sec, I'll be with you shortly" She pleaded.

And she finally showed up.

She actually came out with a friend and immediately the friend saw how I package the order, she couldn't help but fell in love with such creativity.

And guess what!

He placed an order even worth more than what I just delivered.

What did you say again about packaging?

It pays,

So dear Hustler, 

here's an advice from me, the Wrist Bead Maker, Content Writer, Kids Tutor, Social Media Manager, Data and Perfume Vendor

"package your products well." 




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