THE SOUND OF LAUGHTER - 3 months ago

Image Credit: #laughter

Do you love the sound of laughter? Do you love the sound that echoes the soul's joy? Do you love the sound that fosters a swift connection among people?   Yes, the sound of laughter is the shortest distance between people. ( Peter Kay)

Well, I wish I had known this about 6 years ago, because then  I didn't laugh much so I didn't get to hear or enjoy its sound very much.

In Junior Secondary School when jokes are made in class I won't laugh l instead, I will make a disapproving comment in my head🌚

In JSS 3, I had this teacher who loved to make his class very comical. He always gets everyone laughing except me. One day he met me after his class and said “ Winners what is wrong with you? Why don't you ever laugh or smile in my class?”

I replied “ Because there is nothing funny and you don't expect me to laugh when there is nothing funny” ( see bah, thinking about it now, I wonder how I had the mind to say that oh😂)  He left me and he was like I can't help this girl oh😂

In SS 1, Another teacher made a joke in class. Of course, I didn't laugh, everyone else did, including the teacher himself.  I didn't care about the joke, my concern was that he laughed at his joke🌚. As always I made a comment about that in my head… actually, I wish I said it in my head but unfortunately, I said it out loud. Boom! he looked at me and said “Winner, I heard you”😭you don't wanna know how it ended for me that day oh😭

On and on and on because of that I easily lose connection with people. Every excited person stayed away from me. My Classmates make jokes with and about everyone but me. Yeah, I was all alone and all that paid me nothing🥲

Wonder not why the scripture says in Isaiah 12.3; Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.

Joy pays and laughter is a byproduct of joy. Joy connects us to God faster.

Same works with people. Laughter is the shortest distance between you and another.

I say this because right now, Laughter has broken down several barriers and brought me closer to people in a way that is instantaneous and beautiful.

Yes, I love the sound of laughter, I even know someone who loves the sound of my laughter and made it a mission to always make me happy🤭

So, I ask again, Do you love the sound of laughter?😊

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