In a small village of umunze, nestled in the heart of anambar state, there lived a woman named uzoamaka.also called amaka...Read more
In a small village of oguta, nestled in the heart of Nigeria's lgbo land there lived a young girl named Ada. She w...Read more
In the village of akwu, nestled in the heart of Nigeria, there lived a young girl named chioma.she was known throughout the village for her exceptio...Read more
In a small village of uba, nestled in the center of Nigeria's rural country side,a young girl named ifeoma lived a simple life.she spent her days he...Read more
“You fat idiot, get up from there now or I hit you with a stick , playing dumb with me ” ( am i dreaming or in heaven where am i ) she ...Read more
Difficult road often Leads to Beautiful destination
A Negative mind Will Never give you A positive life.
Believing in yourself is The First secret of success
“Dr. John you are needed in the operating room”. I was just about to rest from the work i just did , before i had my name. I rushed over in fu...Read more
My name is Ace John, i grew up in Enugu, Ezeagu with my best friends emmy and Sophie. We were born best friends because our parents are best ...Read more
To define your self Mend your characters And act maturely
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